Thursday, September 20, 2012

Two Best Foods for the Skin - Best Complement to Skin Food

Want to Have Perfect Skin Complexion?

Provide your skin with the right skin food.

Since ancient time women have been using natural food products as source of ingredients to keep their skin healthy and their complexion smooth and clear.
But feeding the skin has been developed to level of sophistication through the science of cosmetics. But there's a growing trend towards more natural and organic ingredients - from fruits, vegetables and herbs - rather than synthetic ones. And this is rather good. Fresh from nature has always been the best.

Feed your Skin from Within

An approach to feeding the skin with skin food, however, is through healthy nutrition. Over-all health is the foundation of beauty manifesting itself in healthy, smooth and glowing skin complexion. But with so much information bombarding us, it is better to approach the matter in a simpler way. There are two basic ways you can do this that are rather simple.

  • Fruits and Vegetables Diet

  • Fruits and vegetables are best when they are grown organically and eaten at their most natural state. Raw vegetables or at least half raw vegetables are the best way to consume them. There is something about raw vegetables which are lost when cooked. Leslie Keaton, based on her extensive research calls it raw energy. For a very informative resource about this, with complete instructions on different ways and levels of developing a raw food diet, refer to The New Raw Energy.

    Other resources for the Raw Food Diet are:
  • Nutritional Supplementation

  • For women on the go and find it cumbersome to make kitchen preparations,nutritional supplementation is the answer. The most advanced concept of nutritional supplementation is cellular nutrition through natura-ceuticals. This brings the much needed nutrients direct to the cells of the body at the quickest time so that the benefits are experienced faster. In this regard, Nature's Way - the number 1 food supplement/herbal manufacturer in the USA has formulated the most complete natura-ceuticals: C24/7 Natura-ceuticals
C24/7 Natura-ceuticals is the complete nutritional supplement providing the body with all that is needed for normal functioning and health; with high level of anti-oxidants to protect the body from diseases.

The specific nutritional supplementation for providing skin food from within is the Perfect White available in capsule form.

Another Nutritional CosmeCeutical perfect for those who want to provide skin food for health and beauty is WhiteLight.

Above nutra-ceuticals are exclusively distributed by Alliance in Motion Global, Inc.

For more information contact me at Email: and CP #s +63-928-793-3523 and +63-917-819-2014.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How to Be Healthy and Well the Beautiful Way

Photo Credits: By Shustov (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

There are simple natural ways to health that we can practice daily. And they do not cost any or are inexpensive if at all. The list that I have below is based on what our body naturally needs. Some are so obvious that you may tend to take for granted. Here they are:

  •  Take plenty of fresh air everyday as often as you can. Without oxygen you won’t survive for barely a few minutes, but since we naturally breathe we take for granted that we have it without thinking about it. But there are more things you can do. 

    • Depending on where you live, schedule a regular walk to a nearby park or beach or any place where there is plenty of fresh air. A place where there are plenty of trees is preferable. Atmosphere underneath tree canopy have ionized air that is good for the body, especially for those suffering asthma or bronchial allergy.
    •  Learn to breathe right. You may have acquired the habit of breathing through the mouth. Practice and acquire back the habit of breathing through your nostrils. Learn and practice basic yoga breathing techniques. Yoga is called the science of breath and has been attested by millions to have tremendous health benefits - even healing from sickness and diseases. Do not let its association with eastern religion deter you from learning and practicing it, even just the basics. 

  • Drink eight glasses of water every day, even more during hot days, even when you don not experience thirst. The body is 60-75% water and drinking generous amount ensures that you’ll have healthy looking skin and hair instead of looking dry or damaged. 

  • Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Cooked and processed food are good only to the extent that they are close to their natural state, that is, not overcooked or too much enhanced with chemically derived additives. Avoid or minimize meat. Since most cooked and processed foods are nutrient deficient, take regularly the best nutritional supplements you can find. 

    Photo Credits: By Garxland

  • Detoxify your body. Years of indiscriminate eating account for the blemishes and wrinkles of the skin as well as the presence or onset of degenerative disease which contorts the face and body. The best way to do this is through water therapy and eating cleansing food regularly, like cucumber and cleansing drink like green tea, ginger ale and other herbal drinks. But the long term approach is through careful choice of health food as your daily diet. 

  • Exercise regularly. Take long walks, jog, run, and bike. If you are sports minded ensure that it is given a definite slot in your weekly schedule. Exercise can easily be fitted in your daily routine, even at the office, through 5-10 minute stretches or simple calisthenics. 

  • Make personal hygiene an absolute habit. Choose facial cleansers, cosmetics and toiletries of natural ingredients and that blend well and naturally with your body’s intuition.